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Lesser , as in size, extent or importance , Minor means in music having a semitone lower than the major and is also of or related to the minority. Having been realized with a multi ethnic team of musicians combining traditional ethnic instruments and contemporary ones to perform the folk songs of the minority people of Turkey, Minor is a music project emphasizing the importance, value and tolerance that Mircan Kaya gives to ethnic and cultural diversity, giving a message of “togetherness” rather than “separation” , hence reflecting the cultural and ethnic diversity of Turkey.


Minor was produced and directed by Mircan Kaya who is representing Turkey succesfully in the World Music genre with her international music projects. She is the first women in Turkey to receive an award for the best film music and accepted as a “cult” with her unique sound and ideas.


The album contains folk songs in Abhaz, Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Georgian, Laz-Mingrelain, Kurdish, Yiddish languages apart from an original song in Laz-Mingrelain written by Mircan Kaya with musicians of different ethnic origins like Bosnian , Georgian, Laz-Mingrelian, Kurdish,Turkish and British. The songs have been interpreted by full participation and contribution of all the musicians on the album in a unique way and sound bringing together and blending the opposites of east-west, local-global, national-international


MINOR is a humanistic and peaceful album based on respecting and treasuring cultural diversity, foreign languages, local cultures and its riches, and different life styles.

It will help its audience to be tolerant, be perspective, and give them a different kind of sensitivity regarding the diversities of life, along with an understanding of the society that we live in.



SKU: UCM 27 29 57-5
  •  Produced by: Mircan Kaya, UCM UnCatalogued Music Production

    Music& Art Director : Mircan Kaya


    Jim Barr J&J Studio, Bristol, UK

    Ceyda Pirali, JW Studio, Istanbul

    Kurtuluş Cengiz , Hayyam Studio, Istanbul

    Cenk Erdoğan, Üsküdar, İstanbul

    Dunjaluje Golem tı Si Remix & Production: Aydın Can Kutluay

    Pre - Mix : Kurtuluş Cengiz, Hayyam Studio, Istanbul

    Final Mix & Mastering : Burak Topalakçı, Zound

    Musicians / Müzisyenler

    Mircan : Voice / İnsan Sesi

    Dan Moore : Piano / Piyano

    Adem Temiz : Accordion / Akordeon

    Kurtuluş C engiz : Kemenche / Kemençe

    Dave Perry : Saxaphon / Saksafon

    Roger Mills : Trompet

    Can Ömer Uygan : Trompet

    Okan Kovancı : Saxaphon & Flute / Saksafon & Flüt

    Jon Wygens : Guitar / Gitar

    Cenk Erdoğan : Fretless Guitar / Perdesiz Gitar

    Jim Barr: Bass Guitar / Bas Gitar

    Doğan Kayıkçı : Bass Guitar / Bas Gitar

    Paul Wygens : Drums / Davul

    İzzet Kızıl : Percussion / Perküsyon

    Gürkan Özkan: Tabla

    Additional vocal: Zehra Çınar , Çınars’ Hymn / Çınarların Ağıdı

    Graphic Design / Grafik Tasarım: İhsan Eroğlu

    Original Photgraphy: İhsan Eroğlu, Mircan Kaya


    Turkish to English Translations: Setenay Kaya, Robert Johnson

    Kurdish to Turkish Translation: Kurdish Language Institute / Kürt Dili Ens

    Laz to Turkish Translation: Mircan Kaya

    Mingrelian to Turkish Translation: Givi Karchava

    Abhaz to Turkish Translation: Federation of Caucassus Associations

    Armenian to Turkish Translation:

    Georgian to Turkish Translation: Kevser Ruhi

    Ladino to Turkish Translation : Jack & Janet Esim


    Sleeve Note by: Alessandro Michelucci

  • Shipment will be made via Yurtici Cargo inside Turkey and standard PTT postal service worldwide which may take 7-10 days to deliver in  Europe and 10-15 days to deliver in other continents. 


“Mircan Kaya is freed by her day job as an engineer to pursue her music with a singular vision. Her voice ranges from etheral to dutsy, through pain and joy, always true to some deep and wise river of sound that flows through her to our ears. INSULA may be the deepest yet.” 


Atesh Sonneborne, Smithsonian Institution

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